Friday, February 13, 2009

Two Years in Review

Our new LG enV 2 cellular phones arrived yesterday, so I spent some time sending two years' worth of low-resolution pictures off my good old Motorola, the tired one with the scratched face and floppy hinge, the one with 1,830 hours (yes, hours) of calls logged since January of 2007. (For the curious, that's an average of 2.5 hours a day.) I'll miss it; I get so attached to things, especially things that spend every waking moment in my pocket, especially things that enable me to have an unlikely and extraordinarily relationship with a wonderful guy who is far away (and who sent me a giant bouquet of divine yellow tulips today). As Brent pointed out, we fell in love on that phone, so it's no wonder I'll be sad to see it go.

I take a lot of pictures with my excellent Olympus digital camera, but there are times when it's simply not practical to carry it even though it's the size of a deck of cards. So the thing about a cellphone with a camera is that it catches rather unusual moments, images at the times and in the places I don't have my camera. I saved 38 of the 200; it's a bit tedious to send them one at a time to Verizon's Pix Place website and then download them to my computer, so some I didn't bother with because the quality wasn't good, and others just weren't that interesting. Here are a few of those that made the cut.

A cruise ship (not ours) in Skagway Bay, Alaska, in August of 2008.

A tiny lizard I caught (and released) at the plant one summer afternoon.

I can't remember where I took this, but it's so beautiful it has to be Wyoming.

Robbie hauling a ladder in the second stage flocculator basin, drained for cleaning and maintenance last month.

Sulphur Creek reservoir, kayaking.

One of the City loaders dolled up for a parade.

B.C. curled up on my back in my old apartment in the basement. The kind of picture I only got because my phone was in my pocket, since I couldn't reach my camera without disturbing him. (That's just a green Tupperware cup in front of me. I was drinking Crystal Light and reading a magazine.)

Jeff sharpening a knife at the breakroom table.

Jeff and Bruce doing maintenance on a wellhead.

Big adorable Don (and wife Jo) at his retirement party when he left the State Hospital.

I didn't take this, somebody at Kate's texted it to me. That's the Strand Theater on fire in June or July of 2007.

Spring thaw on the Bear River 2007. So chocolate milk that we switched over to the reservoir for a whole month.

Molly groggy after one of numerous surgeries to remove a recurring tumor from her right front leg.

Sunset over Depot Square.

Marilyn on the family bus on our way to Greeley for Angie's senior recital at UNC, with her sister RaeDell's husband Ed in the background.

Mom in a purple hoodie and fishing lure earrings at RaeDell's cozy kitchen bar.

Cordale as a corny tween; I can't believe how much he's grown in two years.

View from the Windrivers, just after the chairlift at White Pine ski resort outside of Pinedale. You can see Halfmoon Lake on the left and the Jonah oilfield beyond.

Jeff stirs sludge with our little John Deere. Later those cattails clogged the sludge pump.

A clump of Indian Paintbrush, Wyoming's state flower, on E-Hill by the plant.

Brent with pool cue at Our Bar in Evanston.

An early picture of Hexagon.

A in ventilator and lab glasses; working with sodium hypochlorite is no joke.

Bruce in the break room in my fashionable sunglasses.

Jeffie cleaning the U.V. with a want that spins citric acid into the vessel.

Yellow roses in June; I don't always take the Olympus on walks, but I always have my phone.

Evanston's City cemetery from Red Mountain satellite tank, with the town and Twin Ridge beyond and a trailer park and my finger in the foreground. Nice.


Blogger mister anchovy said...

I can't help but the Bear River a good trout stream?

February 15, 2009 at 7:56 AM  
Blogger A said...

Wow. To be honest, I had no idea, but I assumed probably not because I've actually never seen anyone fly fishing anywhere on the Wyoming stretch of the river even through conditions should be just right for them. I'd heard that people fish all over on the Utah side, which eventually runs into a freshwater bay in the Great Salt Lake called Willard Bay.

A lot of people I know don't like trout because of the bones and someone recently illegally introduced walleye, which are extremely aggressive and eat trout, into the City reservoir. For a while there was talk of poisoning the walleye and restocking the trout, but I haven't heard the status of that for a while.

Anyway, I checked out Trout Unlimited and guess what: It appears that we are lousy with trout and the people who love them.

Mom frequently fishes the Green River near her home and they get nice trout out of there, but that's to be expected. (Although lately because of the oilfield activity they've been warned to limit the amount they eat. Mercury in the Green. Yeesh.)

February 15, 2009 at 6:22 PM  

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