Friday, February 10, 2006

Gung Hai Fat Choy

Wes warms up at Main Street Artisans
"Techno is paranoid."

"She's turning into a blueberry."


Blogger Shepcat said...

Everybody Wang Chung tonight…

These are great. I love your Violet Beauregard pic and the nice bit of vampire work you did on the Blyth & Fargo Co. window. At first I was going to say it was shot at an angle outside then readjusted in Photoshop, but the light at top center and the sharpness of the lines has me thinking you shot it from inside then just reversed it. Correct?

February 11, 2006 at 6:50 AM  
Blogger A said...

Thank you, A+. If it wasn't partially hidden you'd be able to see that the Copy Cats (Paper and Printing) sign across the street is backwards.

Sadly I couldn't get a good shot of the drunken rickshaw racers; it was just too dark and my shutter speed just too slow. The Olympus gets super sluggish at 0 degrees. But I can tell you it was exciting.

February 11, 2006 at 9:57 AM  

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